WMC Training Resources
These resources are from many other mathematics competitions from around the (primarily English speaking) world. They vary greatly in several ways. Some are multiple choice, some single answer and some proof-based (these tend to be harder). Some are aimed at primary school learners and some at university students. Some are intended for anyone who is interested, while some allow only national teams. We encourage you to work through papers that challenge you without overwhelming you, and to progress from easier to harder competitions over time. More importantly we hope you’ll enjoy working through these papers. Mathematics competitions are intended to be fun, and we hope you have fun participating in them and practicing for them.
Competitions (past papers)
For many competitions from around the world, see AoPS’ Contest Collections.
South African Competitions:
- Beyond Maths Competition: https://beyondmaths.co.za/ (grades 4-5 and 6-7)
- Horizon Mathematics Competition: http://hmc.org.za/ and Papers (grades 5-7)
- The UCT Mathematics Competition – UCTMC (grades 8,9,10,11 and 12, separate papers per grade)
- South African Maths Challenge (primary school): SAMC past papers (grades 4-5 and 6-7)
- South African Maths Olympiad (secondary school): SAMO past papers (grade 8-9 and 10-12 divisions)
- South African Tertiary Maths Olympiad (university level): SATMO past papers (open to first year through honours)
- University of Pretoria Mathematics Competition https://www.up.ac.za/mathematics-and-applied-mathematics/article/47663/up-mathematics-competition
Foreign Competitions:
- American Maths Competition MCQ:
- Mathcounts (grade 5-8): Past Competition and MATHCOUNTS
- AMC8 (grade 5-8): AMC 8
- AMC10/12 (grades 9-10 and 11-12): AMC-1012
- The Black Pine Circle Maths Competitions: Black Pine (varied level)
- Harvard MIT Competition: https://www.hmmt.org/ (aimed at elite high school learners)
- British Maths Olympiad: https://bmos.ukmt.org.uk/ (proof based competition)
- New Zealand Competitions: https://www.mathsolympiad.org.nz/resources/ (proof based competition)
- CEMC from the University of Waterloo: https://www.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/contests/pcf.html (various competitions in mathematics and computer science, grades vary drastically).
International Competitions:
- Iranian Geometry Olympiad: Iranian Geometry Olympiad – IGO (grades 7-8,9-10, 11-12 and open divisions, international level proof based competition)
- Asian-Pacific Maths Olympiad: https://www.apmo-official.org/problems (international proof based competition for high school learners)
- IMO Competition: https://www.imo-official.org/problems.aspx (the world championships of high school mathematics)
- IMC (University level) : https://www.imc-math.org.uk/ (Inter-University proof based competition)
- Putnam (University level): https://kskedlaya.org/putnam-archive/ (Inter-University proof based competition, based in the US and Canada)
- SMMC (University level): https://www.simonmarais.org/ (Inter-University Level proof based competition)
- Pan-African Mathematics Olympiad https://www.africamathunion.org/AMU-pamo-official.php
Training Materials
- Berkeley Math Circle Resources: Handouts
- Michael Penn’s YouTube, with a great variety of Olympiad problems: Michael Penn
- AoPS Resources Page: Art of Problem Solving
- SAMF Training Materials: https://www.samf.ac.za/en/mathematics-publications
- Siyanqoba training recordings: Siyanqoba
- Stellenbosch camp 2019 intermediate lecture recordings: Intermediate
- Stellenbosch camp 2019 advanced lecture recordings: Advanced
- Evan Chen: https://web.evanchen.cc/olympiad.html
- Yufei Zhao: https://yufeizhao.com/olympiad/
- Poh Shen Loh: https://www.math.cmu.edu/~ploh/olympiad.shtml
- MyTutor.chat: https://mytutor.chat
Non-Olympiad Mathematics Resources
- Regular School Maths: https://www.khanacademy.org/
- Professor Leonard: Has many courses on high school and early university mathematics available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ProfessorLeonard
- Several courses on undergraduate mathematics on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DrTreforBazett
- South African Born fields medalist Richard Borcheds has several graduate and undergraduate mathematics courses available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIyDqfi_cbkp-RU20aBF-MQ
- Freely available textbooks on high school and early university mathematics: https://openstax.org/subjects/math
- Open source textbooks based on the SA Math’s curriculum: https://www.siyavula.com/
Yellow books:
These are a series of training notes originally published by UCT, they are reproduced with permission and thanks.